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  • Open Afternoon & Morning

    Tue 14 Nov 2023

    Looking for a P1 or Nursery place for Sept 2024?

    We'd love to see you at our Open Afternoon or Morning. Come along, with or without your child, and see around school, meet the staff and learn more about life at Cairnshill. You're also very welcome to come along if you're looking for a place for an older child. Everyone welcome!

  • Integration Update

    Tue 14 Nov 2023 J Currie

    As you will be aware, the school have completed a Case for Change with regards to Integration. This document was completed in conjunction with Council for Integrated Education NI (NICIE) and was passed on to the Education Authority in May 2023.


    In May and June 2023, the Case for Change and subsequent Development Proposal were issued to affected schools for their consideration. There were no objections and three letters of support.


    Currently, the Development Proposal is open for public consultation for a statutory two-month objection period. The consultation closes on 19th December 2023.


    During this period, anyone can issue letters of support or objection and these will be passed to the Department of Education in the New Year.


    The next stage for the Development Proposal is to be passed to the Department of Education and then ultimately the Minister for Education or Permanent Secretary for their final decision.


    Parents will be kept informed of the next stages when updates are made available to the school.
