A thriving Parent Staff Association (PSA) has worked hand in hand with staff and pupils since the school opened and this has resulted in much being achieved, both socially and financially. Cairnshill's PSA is the envy of many schools.
A range of events are organised such as school discos, Christmas Fair, Family BBQ, Table Quiz night and much more!
As well as attending events, there are other simple ways to help support our fundraising. The PSA will receive 30% commission on the following items.
It's really important that all items of uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name. Many children in each class will wear the same size so if items aren't named, it's almost impossible to return them to their owners.
One option for labelling uniform is to purchase a personalised stamper with your child's name. Check out http://www.stamptastic.co.uk for stampers and help our PSA raise funds from your purchase. To help raise money for school funds, please use our school code - BT86RT.
Personalised sticky labels can be ordered from Stikins. These labels can be used on a wide variety of items and will even survive the washing machine!