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Primary 4

Welcome to Primary 4! The P.4 teachers are Mrs Thomas, Mrs Myles, Mrs Galloway and Miss Bennett. P.4 is the last year of Key Stage 1 and is a very busy one. We have lots of new topics to explore before we move to Key Stage 2. Keep an eye on this page throughout the year for updates of what we have been up to. 

Term 3 – May-June


Marvellous Minibeasts


Our third and final topic in P.4 is ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’. We can’t wait to learn all about different types of minibeasts, their habitats, what they eat and some interesting facts about them. We will be heading out into our school grounds on a Minibeast hunt to see what different insects live around school and some classes have even welcomed new members into their classrooms; caterpillars! We can’t wait to watch them grow and see their lifecycle happen before our own eyes. Hopefully we will get to release some butterflies before we finish up for the summer holidays. We are working hard to get ready for P.5 and with Sports Day coming up and lots of nice sunny weather it will definitely be a great term to end our P.4 year with!

Term 2B: March-April


World War Two


It’s the topic we have all been looking forward to! Always a firm favourite in P.4, we are loving learning about what life was like for children during World War Two. We have learnt all about rationing, evacuation, the blackout and the Blitz. We have even made our own identity cards and packed our imaginary ‘evacuee suitcases’. Each week, we cannot wait for the next episode of ‘Spywatch’ to see what Norman, Dennis and the others have been up to. We’ve got V.E day to look forward to after the Easter holidays when we can all dress up in wartime clothes and sing and dance to celebrate the end of the war!

Term 2A: January-February

Whatever the Weather


Our new topic this half term is 'Whatever the Weather'.  We will be watching and learning lots of interesting facts about climate and weather around the world. We will become weather experts through reading thermometers, recording daily outdoor weather and temperature to presenting our very own weather forecasts. Lots of cool science experiments and fun art and design activities await us in this very practical and exciting topic of learning. We've even had a snow day already! 

Term 1B: November-December

Geared for Growth


We have so much to look forward to this half-term in P.4!  Already we have begun our ‘Geared for Growth’ topic and are discovering lots of fascinating information about trees around our school. We will be doing some clever detective work when we use the clues of tree shape, bark and leaves to identify different tree species.  We will be completing lots of connected art and design, science and ICT activities too. We loved our trip to Mountstewart where we got to explore the range of trees and seeds there even further. Have a look at the photos below to see what we got up to! 


Add to this the buzz and excitement of our Christmas plans and you will understand just why we have so much to look forward to. We will all enjoy reliving the Christmas story through our performance of 'The Big Little Nativity' and we are as excited as ever to celebrate this wonderful season in school!

Term 1A: September-October

Going Places


We can't wait to start our P.4 year with our 'Going Places' topic. We will learn all about the different countries around the world, their flags and languages. We will have a chance to share our stories from countries that we have visited and have a 'Show and Tell' session to chat about the souvenirs that we have brought home with us. Over the next few weeks we even hope to learn how to say "Hello" in lots of different languages!


Keep an eye out for some photos of what we have been getting up to throughout our first few weeks of P.4!
