Congratulations to everyone who submitted entries for our 'Extreme Reading' photography competition - you gave the judges a very difficult job! There were lots of fantastic photos which showed our pupils reading in some very interesting ways. We had people reading in the bath; on top of cars and sheds; upside down and even under their bed. There were readers skiing, skateboarding, playing rugby and doing gymnastics. Some of our pupils chose to read with animals - dogs, chickens, calves and even a snake!
It was fantastic to see such variety and creativity from everyone - well done! We hope you enjoyed the challenge and that you'll keep on reading but perhaps not in such extreme ways.
The winners are:-
Primary 1 - Jack Bailie
Primary 2 - Arthur Somerville
Primary 3 - Alicia Graham
Primary 4 - Seth Massey
Primary 5 - Ethan Beattie
Primary 6 - Joanna Carson
Primary 7 - Adam Calvert
We'll add their pictures as we receive the digital versions.