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  • 'Sticks & Bricks' with P2K

    Fri 04 Mar 2016

    Our P.2 topic this term has been Sticks and Bricks. In the Playroom, P.2K boys and girls recently put on puppet shows acting out the Three Little Pigs story and of course the big bad wolf came along too!  We made furniture for our shoe box houses and have been busy constructing bigger models using Large Lego and Spongy Bricks.


    Back in the classroom, our Learning Centre activities have included sorting different house types, making collages and investigating the properties of building materials. We worked in pairs looking closely at, touching and describing bricks, plastic piping, pieces of wood etc.  We were wondering why bricks are usually cuboid shape and piping cylindrical? So during Maths task board time we carried out a shape investigation to discover which solid shapes we can roll, slide or build with and why.

  • World Book Day

    Thu 03 Mar 2016
    Today we celebrated World Book Day by participating in D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read)   
    We brought picture books/novels from home and carried them wherever we went. At several random times throughout the school day, the bell rang and all pupils and teachers dropped everything to read for a few minutes. 
    P1Patterson had to drop everything in PE …..P7Marshall had to momentarily abandon their ICT lesson….Mrs Sterritt and a group of pupils were en route to the library when the bell rang and they had to sit down outside the staff room to read!
    Some classes also took up the challenge and embarked upon “The Great Cairnshill Book Character Hunt”.  We found and identified the 20 book characters who were hiding in the green hall.   Some of the KS2 classes were even able to name the authors who created these characters!
    Today, we had great fun reading, talking and learning more about the wonderful world of books.
    Remember to use the £1 book token you received today!  You can spend these in our travelling book fair in school next week.
    We look forward to seeing you there!