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Cairnshill has held an ECO (Environmental Conservation Organisation) flag since 2000. Every 2 years a committee is formed involving children from Primary 4 , 5, 6 and 7. We have always had a committee of; enthusiastic and motivated pupils who work extremely hard not only to maintain our flag but to introduce new initiatives to improve our school in the areas set out by ECO Schools Northern Ireland.


We are currently in our second year and will be applying for our next ECO flag in Spring 2020.

ECO Competitions


Competition 1 - Create a new Cairnshill ECO code


Remember to include info about -  the environment, recycling, litter picks, gardening, healthy breaks, daily mile, fruit tuck shops, forest school.



Competition 2 - Design a Cairnshill ECO Logo or Mascot

Design a character to represent all things ECO in Cairnshill PS

This could be an animal, plant, person or superhero. You could include a short snappy slogan which they say.



Entries returned to the ECO Committee by Fri 18th October


The winners will be announced in assembly the week beginning 21st October.

P4 Water Poster Competition

ECO Committee 2018.19

ECO Committee 2017/18

School Responsibilities

Eco Code Competition


We would like to thank everybody that took part in the ‘Eco Code Competition’ (P4-7). All of the entries were fantastic, showing lots of creativity and giving super advice on how to ‘Be Green’. The eco committee had a very difficult job in selecting a winner, as all of the performances were superb!


We would like to say a HUGE well done to all of P4 on being the chosen winners. They wrote, choreographed and performed a rap to the tune of the ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’. They even made their own instruments from junk materials to add to their performance…very impressive!


We are very excited for the rest of the school to learn this, as we all must do our job in keeping Cairnshill an eco-friendly school. We hope you enjoy our wonderful new eco code…


Always remember ‘Go for Green…Keep Cairnshill Clean!

ECO RAP!! (to the tune of ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’!)


Well this is a rap about our school,

We want you to know that we’re no fools!

Cos we recycle and we don’t waste,

We don’t leave litter around the place.

We care for our school, our planet too.

It’s so important for me and you!

All of us must play our part,

And in our classrooms is where we start!  


We recycle paper in the big green bins.

We also put our plastic in!

We wash yogurt pots and plastic trays,

To recycle them, every day!

If you leave your room don’t leave the lights lit,

And switch off the board when you don’t use it!

Close all the doors to keep in the heat,

Cos this saves energy and that is sweet!

Out in the playground we use the bins.


We don’t drop litter – we put it IN!

We care for flowers and plants and trees,

We care for birds and bugs and bees.

So now you know why we are proud.

And we are going to sing it LOUD!

We’re ECO friendly, we go for green,

We keep Cairnshill so nice and clean!

Reduce, Reuse…. Reduce, Reuse Recycle!!!

ECO News


'Family Energy Saving Poster Competition'

After some tough competition the Eco committee agreed on the winning poster, Eva Guiney from P1B/B. The runner up was Grace Campbell P3S. We would like to thank everyone for their entries, we could not believe the response and the effort put in to so many brilliant posters. The winning poster has been sent off, however you can view the other amazing entries in the assembly hall. Thanks again to everyone who took part!
The 'Big School Clean' is coming up on Thursday 4th and Friday 5th June. If anyone is interested in helping out with this please contact Miss McKenzie or Miss Cross. Over these two days all pupils and staff will be cleaning up their responsible area, along with the Eco committee and some other volunteers carrying out some more gardening.

ECO Action Plan
