As you all know, I have been trying to keep a calm and measured approach to the current situation. Given the lack of clear guidance and leadership from those around us, I have consulted with the Board of Governors and agreed that the school development days that were to be used in the Easter holidays be moved forward with immediate effect.
This ultimately means that the school will be closed for the remainder of this week and also next Monday. If there is no announcement on school closures after this date then the Board of Governors will again liaise with DENI, EA and parents.
I believe that I have a duty of care for all pupils and the wider school community. We have tried to stay open as per guidance and also to allow parents to get the necessary measures in place for their families.
Your child will come home today with work. Please read the cover notes attached to these packs. I would ask that you give us some time to get our own heads around what is going on. Please be patient.
I have also asked staff to ensure that all books and belongings are sent home today. If we are back by the end of the year then please return these. I think it's better to be thinking long term and then be delighted if that is not the case.
For any child who is absent today, we will have these bundled up and placed in the school hall from TOMORROW.
Don't panic! I will keep parents posted with any updates and please make use of the notifications on the app. Keep checking the year group page on the website also.
As you can imagine, our phone calls and emails have been plentiful! Please try and keep these lines of contact for emergencies. I cannot reply to individual emails about work etc as I'm sure you understand.
We have been working with limited staff for a few days as many have caring responsibilites and medical conditions of their own.
On behalf of myself and all staff I would like to thank you for your unwavering support and understanding throughout this very difficult time. Your comments on Facebook and in person really mean the world to us!
We do not know what lies ahead. We are ready for anything! #cairnshillspirit