After another view of the school and surrounding areas the following has been decided:
P3/4 Nativity will go ahead as planned in earlier post. These children are to come to school as normal - please do not rush to get in for 8.50! Exercise caution! The junior playground is to be used as a car park for these parents only.
All other children can come to school later than normal - around break time. It is hoped that some of the laneways and back entrance will be treated at around 8.00am.
Should parents need to leave children to school before this due to work commitments the school will accommodate this. We would stress that travelling around the school is still treacherous and that heavy early morning traffic would not be recommended. Parents should make this decision at their own risk.
As a school we have tried to assist in all ways as we realise that this is a very difficult time for all. Thank you for your patience and we hope that this compromise will allow the children and parents to have some flexibility.