Google Expeditions
We were fortunate to secure a visit from the 'Google Expeditions Pioneer Programme' on Tues, 14th March. Google Expeditions is a free app which allows users to participate in a wide range of 'expeditions' led by a teacher. The options are endless from space to the human body; Antarctica to deserts; Egypt to under the ocean - you can visit them all! P2 & P3 pupils used iPads to take part in their expeditions as the VR views are not suitable for children under 7; P4-P7 pupils used 'Google Cardboard' VR googles. It was great to hear the gasps of awe as the children saw the images for the first time! Without leaving Cairnshill, our pupils visited Egypt, Antarctica, Paris, New York and Sweden, not to mention space and the underwater safari - they even travelled deep inside the human body! Overall it was a great day which gave the children a taste of the exciting opportunities using new technologies. Have two tablets or smartphones at home - why not download the app and try it for yourself?