We have been going “all out” to embrace British Science Week at Cairnshill.
Wednesday 18th March - Science Day
Our Science Day on Wednesday proved to be a huge hit! The classrooms were active and there was a buzz of excitement and anticipation as the children were asked to plan, predict, record and investigate.
Putting their scientific knowledge into practice, pupils were asked to mix colours, design life vests, observe raisins dance, inflate a balloon without touching it, move water with static electricity and investigate why an orange floats and an apple sinks!
Thursday 19th March – Learn Differently Roadshow
The children’s scientific enquiry skills were stretched further on Thursday by Dr Paul McCory from Learn Differently. He held workshops for the whole school, proving that science is everywhere, entertaining and pretty awesome!
Pupils lifted teachers in the air, sat on home made hovercrafts, grew marshmallows, crushed tin cans with air and he even made some teachers sit on a bed of nails, ouch!
Friday 20th March – Solar Eclipse
Friday morning proved to be an exciting science day too. From nursery to P7, all classes were spotted out in the playground enjoying the wonder of the solar eclipse. The clouds stayed away at 9:25am for Cairnshill to view the phenomenon. Children and staff were well prepared with a variety of home made view finders. Mr Harvey with his pin hole view finder, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Sweeney and Miss Bingham with their kitchen colanders! We will have to wait until 2090 to see another total eclipse.
Photographs of all our science events can be viewed in the gallery.